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Should You Get a Life Coach? Here's What You Need to Know

Change can be a scary part of life. But I encourage my clients to embrace it from a place of gratitude.¹ Working with a life coach is helpful when facing a big change, and this year I created my Journey to Change Program.

But maybe you’ve never hired a life coach before.

If this is new territory to you, that’s okay. Beginning something new is often intimidating.

This is why I asked my clients to share their thoughts on working with a life coach. They were happy to share their experience with you.

First, why would you want to find a life coach?

You might consider hiring a coach if you’re facing a crossroads in life. Maybe you feel stuck or need clarity.²

I asked my clients why they chose coaching:

“I signed up for the Purpose Clarity Program because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. So I decided to give the program a shot and see if it helps. (It did).”

“I chose ReNEW You because I needed help with my self confidence, fears, and speaking up for myself. I saw what the program did for a friend of mine, so I decided it was definitely what I need.”

“I signed up to help find some direction in certain areas of my life.”

“I signed up because I was lost and had a hard time focusing and being positive. I needed the tools to go forward in a positive direction.”

As you can see, my clients hired a coach because they were searching for DIRECTION in their lives. They needed help taking charge and tackling goals.

One of the benefits of coaching is it helps you learn more about yourself.

If your best friend was feeling down but you didn’t know, how would you be able to help her?

The same goes for you: if you don’t know what you need, you can’t help yourself. Moving toward positive change starts with becoming self-aware.³

My clients shared what coaching taught them about themselves:

“I learned I like being a source of entertainment and growth for people, while still being private.”

“I learned that stepping out of my comfort zone and facing my fears made me feel liberated. That’s where the confidence came in.”

“I learned that the fear of the unknown holds me back.”

“I am much stronger than I ever imagined. I hold myself accountable even when I screw up. I realize I need constant work on myself.”

Do you see a trend here? When you look within, you discover the fears holding you back. You realize what you truly care about. AND you might find confidence you didn’t know you had.

Life coaching is about letting go.

My Journey to Change Program helps you get from where you are to where you want to go. If you’re stuck in an unhealthy place, my goal is to get you unstuck.

Move from feeling:

Overwhelmed to Encouraged






Facing Change---------------->Embracing Change

Here’s what my clients let go of:

“I let go of the idea that I’ll have a traditional life (as in a traditional job). It’s just not who I am.”

“I let go of my fears by being able to say no.”

“I’m letting go of fear and embracing the unknown.”

“I let go of my expectations of others.”

It’s uncomfortable to let go of the state of mind you’re accustomed to, even an unhappy one. Feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety try to protect you. But you can’t let those feelings have control of your life.

Coaching is about discovering what no longer works for you, discarding limitations, and moving forward.

Coaching helps you find your purpose in life and achieve goals.

It helps you complete the goals you set for yourself and move forward.

“The program helped me think about what I like and my goals — vetting and refining a general idea into an actual objective or goal — which is awesome.”

“Kendell helped me organize my thoughts, and because of that I think differently about my daily tasks and my business.”

“This Purpose Clarity Program helped me identify what was holding me back from achieving my goals. I got a new job that’s rewarding in many ways.”

“It helps me dial myself in when I start to lose control again. I’m a much more patient and understanding person. I realize I get back what I put out.”

In what ways would you like to see your life change?

Whatever you’re trying to do, it’s important you don’t take this journey alone. Getting support from an accountability partner is a great way to start.

I asked my clients what they enjoy most about working with me as their online life coach.

“Kendell Daly is an awesome and funny teacher — her presence and friendship was my favorite part of the class.”

“I enjoyed watching my weekly progress. In just 12 weeks, I’ve accomplished so much participating in this ReNEW You program. Kendell was always so kind, but tough at the same time. I felt so comfortable talking to her. Whenever I find myself in a difficult situation, I think of Kendell and what she would say right now, and I quickly relax. The confidence comes shining through.”

“I enjoyed our weekly conversation and having someone to help me organize my goals.”

“I liked to see the progress from beginning to end and how it shifts your mindset.”

Working with a coach is rewarding.

It helps you grow more aware of yourself.

You get the tools to handle life transitions.

You achieve goals.

AND you have a companion to keep you accountable.

If you’re thinking of hiring a coach, my Journey to Change Coaching Program might be for you.

This program helps you transition from overwhelm to feeling encouraged, organized, unstuck, free, and confident.

You can choose to take this program over three months, or six months, it’s up to YOU. All sessions take place online through Zoom.

With this program you get:

  • 12 Thirty-Minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions

  • Coaching Tools

  • A Motivational Weekly Affirmation

  • A Bonus Thirty-Minute Wrap-Up Session to Plan What’s Next for You

If you have any questions or want to learn more about me first, email me, or book a FREE CONSULTATION.



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