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Do You Feel Like You Need to Spring-Clean Your Life? Change Your Mindset.

Updated: May 5, 2021

The season of Spring is a time for new beginnings. It wakes up the desire to start making changes in your life.

Do you ever stop and wonder:

“Am I living a life I love?” Or: “Do I wake up looking forward to the day ahead? Why do I struggle to take action to feel recharged?”

If you feel this way, it might be time to change your mindset.

It’s time to spring-clean your routine, my friend. Take steps toward a life you love.

I’ve seen it happen. I even have a program to help people like you discover a love for life again. By taking the right steps, you can make a shift and move forward.

First, identify the limiting beliefs in your life.1

Limiting beliefs are the stories you think about yourself, your opportunities, and your surroundings that hold you back. They keep you from getting from where you are to where you want to be.

Are you stuck in a bad relationship? An exhausting job? An insecurity? Think about what limits are holding you back.

Your mindset is everything. Identify how it might need to shift.

Maybe you’re feeling stuck in your situation. When I feel stuck, I try to change my perspective. Like this:

Imagine you’re riding a Ferris wheel. Look at your situation through the panoramic lens of the landscape around you. From your seat, what possible ways do you see to get out of your rut?

I like to create a chart of the Ferris wheel. On each spoke of the wheel, I write one possible step I might take to get unstuck and move forward.

What possible steps do you see when you use this new perspective? You might realize: “Hey, my life isn’t an endless cycle of getting stuck. My false beliefs created this scenario in my head. I can get out of this.”

Discard your limits and create a new mindset.

That’s right, it's time to clear out the clutter. Take out the garbage. Toss the trash into the bin right now!

If there’s a person holding you back, talk to them about how you’re feeling. If they don’t listen to your concerns, find ways to remove their influence over you.

If you’re the one in your way, stop and check your mindset. I’ll cover ways to do this in a moment. But if you want extra support to tackle this, a coach is a great partner to help you see where you are, why you’re there, and how you might be holding yourself back.

First, establish YOUR WHY.

Life is full of possibilities and ways to blossom. How can you dig deep into where you are and how you want to grow?

When you look at why you believe you’re on this earth, why your hobbies light you up, and why people inspire you, you begin to crack open the core of the why behind your life.

Having a why (or purpose) for your life has shown to have health benefits and improve relationships.2 Isn’t this fascinating?

Here’s the why behind my life:

“I want to smile and draw others in. I love people and connecting to help them live a more balanced, joy-filled life. Some of the people who believed in me most are the same who inspired me to put my heart into everything I do. This makes me want to inspire others to be happier and tap into what makes their heart sing.”

What makes your heart sing?

Let’s look at how to discover your why.

Here are a few questions for digging deep into the root of your purpose:

  • What do you do?

    • If you were on a first date and someone asked what you do in your life, career, or free time, how would you respond?

  • Why do you do what you do?

    • How does what you do impact yourself and others? Do you feel like you’re making an impact?

  • What fuels you?

    • What is something that gives you so much energy you feel like taking on the world? Think about the last time you felt your soul sing.

  • What do you value most?

    • This might be what you value in your job, relationships, or the world. You may value many things, or maybe you have one, concrete passion.

Jot down any meaningful words that stick out to you.

See if you can come up with seven to ten words. Build them into a short paragraph that resonates with you. How does this connect to the core of your why?

Keep in mind, your why isn’t a goal, like: “I want to be a professional athlete.” It’s the intention behind your goal and actions.3

The paragraph you created might also be seen as a purpose statement. It’s the roadmap for your life. I dug into this topic in my November blog post.

Once you know your why, you begin to retrain your mindset.

Now you know the intention behind what you want, it’s easier to retrain your brain to start living the life you crave. Do you know you have the ability to change the structure of your brain?4

Now hold on, I’m not saying your head is going to grow larger or sideways. Your brain changes neural networks in response to stimuli — an injury, new routine, or impactful conversation. When you change your mindset and handle situations in new ways, your brain adjusts. In time, you need less force to change your actions because it comes naturally.

Change your mindset, change your life.

If you have the power to change your brain, then so much is possible.

Now you understand the power behind your intentions, it’s time to put it into practice.

Stay tuned for next month’s blog. We’re going to dig into how changing your routine, visualizing your future, and practicing gratitude (plus more!) brings you one step closer to a renewed life.

I’m excited to share with you my favorite coaching program to guide your mindset journey.

This Spring season, I’m offering my 12-week ReNew You program to individuals or small groups. In this three-phase program we look at where you are, declutter, and design a purpose-driven life with energy and positivity.

It’s challenging to make shifts in your mindset. With a partner by your side, it’s easier to begin your journey toward a life you love.

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