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Are You Searching for Purpose in Your Life?

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Let’s be honest, 2020 has been a time to reevaluate your goals.

This has been a tough year for everyone. You’ve seen big changes in your life — many of them unexpected. Your goals have shifted.

As you adjust to the “new normal,” you may be asking yourself: what is your purpose in life right now?

How do you find purpose during this time of transition?

We often don’t realize what’s missing from our lives until a change occurs. Transitions, like the ones of 2020, make us pause and evaluate our goals.

I experienced this several years ago, during my move to Maryland. My husband, my kids, and I relocated to a new area. We were far from friends and family. It was a big change.

I focused my energy on helping my family get situated in their new location. But I began to realize I was lonely and unhappy. I needed to focus on myself.

This led me to life coaching.

I hired a life coach who helped me find a new direction for my life. Through her Purpose Clarity program, I learned to identify what’s important to me, set purposeful goals, and create a purpose statement.

This program is one of the reasons why I decided to become a life coach. I’m passionate about helping others find their purpose.

What is your passion?

Do you remember how exciting new things were as a kid? Life was always an adventure, wasn’t it?

As adults, it can be tough to tap back into that passionate joy. But connecting back to your passions helps you discover your purpose in life.

Is something in the way of your purpose?

People with the best intentions often come between you and your purpose. Parents, friends, or society might do this without knowing it!

But everyone has a different goal in life.

Don’t allow others to sway you from your goals. Your parents may have the best intentions, but they don’t know what YOU NEED. When you’re searching for approval, remember: it’s okay to disappoint others.1

Your friends are on a different path. Society consists of individuals with diverse backgrounds. Your journey is unique to you.

Create a purpose statement to live by.

Identify the key points of your passions and write them down to remember every day. This outline points you in the right direction. I call it a purpose statement.

A purpose statement is your roadmap to success.2

It helps you identify who you are and how to move forward. This makes it easier to block out distractions and stay on course.

Your statement defines what matters most to you: your values, your dreams, and the actions you want to take.

You create your own definition of success.

As you write your purpose statement, think about what success looks like to you. Is it starting your own business as a magician? Running a 5k? Getting a master’s degree?

As you create your statement, ask yourself these seven questions:3 4

  • What things in life are you responsible for?

  • What are your hobbies?

  • What are your strengths?

  • What is most important to you?

  • What are you passionate about?

  • What brings you joy?

  • What does your best possible self look like?

Connect with others to remember your purpose.

I love what Brené Brown has to say on this:

Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

Connect back to what you care about. Return to the people and things that make you smile. And check in on the person within you.

Do you have someone who inspires you?

At 14, I met my high school field hockey coach. She was a kind, caring, and hardworking mentor who never gave up on our team. She taught me to feel valued, work hard, and set goals.

I’m still in contact with my coach today. She’s won several awards and been honored by her community for her work.

But what matters to her most are the connections she builds with her students.

She loves making an impact.

My coach taught me anyone can do anything they put their mind to. Because of her, I’m passionate about cheering others on. I love to support them in living the life they desire.

Before you write your statement, ask yourself who inspires you. And why do they inspire you? What kind of person do they inspire you to be?

Here’s a purpose statement example:

I want to share my purpose statement to help you get ideas. This short paragraph has changed my life.

 "The purpose of my life is to smile and draw people in. I want to be fearless in my daily choices so that I may be creative and fulfilled each day. I want a flexible schedule, allow myself to be in the moment and find balance while helping others."

This statement influences the decisions I make every day. When I read it, it inspires me to continue in the right direction.

Now it’s your turn. Create a few examples for yourself and see which one you like most. You can always go back and change your statement as you grow and set new goals.

Do you want to learn more?

One of my favorite coaching courses is my Purpose Clarity program. This course is the one that helped me define my goals four years ago! Today, I’m thrilled to help others find purpose through this program.

How do you know if this program is for you? Contact me if you’re:

  • Searching for clarity in who you are and what gives you meaning.

  • Struggling to find joy in your job, relationships, and personal goals.

  • Reevaluating your priorities and the roadmap to your success.

My course is the action plan to get you started.

Dig deep, take action, and discover new purpose in your life.

I can’t wait to see you there!

Click here to Join today.

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Embrace change. It’s time to embark on your journey.


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