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Are You Looking for Change? Spring-Clean Your life with Good Habits that Make You Happy

I’m excited to share my ReNew You course this Spring.

Last month, we talked about changing your mindset to get where you want to go. We discussed the importance of understanding the why behind what you do.

We talked about how the brain has the powerful ability to change in response to stimuli. You can rewire your mindset to think in different ways. You have the potential to change your actions and daily routine.

Now, changing your habits isn’t always easy.

How many times have you started a week with the goal to create a healthy habit and failed by day three?

Taking steps for change takes practice and deliberation. You must work at it consistently. It’s not easy, but you can do it.

I’ve learned you must visualize the fantastic future you want.

Let’s say you’ve adjusted your mindset — you welcome change. But to take action and switch up your routine you must know exactly what you’re striving toward.

Visualizing your future creates an image of what to look forward to.

I personally have a hard time visualizing in my head. I recommend you create the habit of writing down what your dreams look like. Writing things down helps me stick to my goals.

Think of all the details. What is your goal? How do you feel when you get there? Where will you live? What does life look like?

Don’t think about what you’re afraid might go wrong. Visualize everything going exactly the way you want it too.

And visit this visual everyday.

In the morning and at night, pause to visualize your future. Repeating this habit can actually convince your brain that your future is happening now. It believes your dream is real.1

This makes it so much easier to achieve the real thing.

Change your daily habits to get closer to your goals.

Now, this is easier said than done. I know. Sometimes it feels impossible to add another routine to an already overwhelming day.

I’ve talked about the importance of a morning routine, meditation, and exercise. There are many ways you might switch up your habits with something new.

Today, I want to use my ferris wheel technique to think of this in a different way.

What if you take what makes you happy and make it a part of your routine?

I have a workshop called What Makes Your Heart Sing? In this workshop, we talk about connecting to what makes us happy.

What brings you to your happy place? I can think of several: ice cream, walking in the woods, reading, cooking, spending time with loved ones, and being present. And many of these things are free!

What small daily habits can you create to bring you joy?

Research shows happiness improves your immune system.2 We should strive more to do what makes us happy.

If someone can buy a pricey cup of coffee everyday, why can’t you indulge in the little things that bring you joy? Treat yourself.

Stop focusing on the negative — look at life in a positive light.

While you think about what makes you happy, look for the positive things in your life.

Our brains are wired to focus more on the negative than the positive. This is called the brain’s negativity bias.3 The electrical activity in our brain is greater in response to negative events. This, of course, affects our attitudes.

Create a gratitude journal to remove negativity from your routine.

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.” - Kirsten Armstrong

I’ve talked about this before. Write down at least three things you're grateful for every morning. Try to reset your negative state of mind by practicing gratitude during your morning routine.

Journaling helps organize your thoughts. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious — pick up a pen and write. I even created a thirty-day gratitude journal for you to use.

Take quitting off the table. Stick to your good habits for success.

Seriously, I’m human just like you. I too want to quit sometimes.

You might have to remove your right to quit. Tell yourself you have no choice but to do the thing.

I do this for exercise. There are days when I DO NOT want to do it. So I ask myself: do I need a break today or am I being lazy? If I feel lazy, I don’t allow myself to quit.

Pushing through helps change my mindset.

I feel better afterward. But it isn’t easy. Try switching things up so your routine doesn’t become tedious.

I vary my exercise routine each day. I might walk, run, bike, or do yoga. I’ll take a hike, do strength training, or stretch for 20 minutes. Everyday it’s different.

I’ll listen to music to shift my mood. I might even sing during the workout — this usually makes me laugh.

Talk to others for support and a new perspective.

I can’t emphasize this enough.

I realize wanting to quit has more to do with fear than anything else. It was my mentor coach, and friend — Liv Chapman — who helped me discover this during an exercise. This made a major change in my life habits.

Liv asked me: If you take quitting off the table, what becomes POSSIBLE? What’s the one step today you’re willing to take to bring you closer to your dreams?

Talk to people about your fears. Stay accountable. Find a coach. You’re not alone.

Spring-clean your habits to change your life.

Spring is here, and I’m offering my Renew You program. This 12-week course is for individuals or a group of you and friends. Through three phases I help you evaluate your life, clean out the clutter, and design a life you LOVE!

Looking to create your own ReNew You small group? Click here.

Change your mindset, create new habits, and work with others to chase your dreams. I’m excited to get started!


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