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Are You Anxious About 2021? Start the Year off Right.

Updated: May 5, 2021

Many of you are looking forward to a new year and new opportunities. But it’s difficult to know what to expect in 2021. Despite external circumstances, I believe you can live a life you love if you take time to recharge, get support, and plan ahead.

I don’t like the idea of New Year’s Resolutions.

Every New Year’s Eve, people set big, intimidating goals. I believe this mindset sets you up for failure. By focusing on what you want to achieve at the end of the year, you lose sight on what you can achieve now in January. Instead, focus on setting WIGs (wildly important goals). "Focus on less, while accomplishing more."1

Before you create more things to achieve in your new year, focus on what you already have on your to-do list.

I use this perspective in my ReNew You program. This program helps YOU make big shifts to establish new habits that lead to success.

When I say big shifts, I don't mean overwhelming tasks. One of my recent program graduates simply started getting up 15 min earlier. It gave her time to meditate because that was something important to her. It led to a better mindset each day, getting to work earlier and feeling less stressed as she began her work day. Each day added up to a better week and she was able to start working toward her WIG. She needed to start somewhere and small. By feeling less stressed, she ultimately felt more rested because she was happier each day.

“Rest when you are weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” - Ralph Marston

Sleep and relaxation are SO important for your health — they improve your levels of focus and energy. Don’t let them fall on the back burner.2

Take time to relax.

When I wake up every morning, I hit the snooze button once. I take those 9 minutes of quiet to enjoy the peace and gather my thoughts.

Spending time in complete silence stimulates brain growth and helps release tension in the body.3 I love my few minutes of quiet in the morning. It’s my time to simply just be. Starting my day this way helps me get into a positive mindset and relax.

Develop good habits in your life in 2021.

My mornings begin with a short meditation. This practice sets the tone for my day and makes me less reactive to the negative attitudes of others around me.

I love to exercise each morning too. During my walk or yoga workout, I discover inspiration and tap into a more healthy and grounded attitude.

Small daily achievements make you feel accomplished.

My morning ritual sets my day up for success. Establish steps you can take to start a day you want to enjoy. You have the power within you to create the year you deserve.

But moving forward to take charge of your year takes courage.

“When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending.” - Brene Brown

It’s not easy to take action to change your habits. Sometimes, it’s uncomfortable and you must use courage to overcome fear.

You have deep, fear-based habits in your daily routine that you might not realize are there. Courage is a habit you must practice. Take little steps each day to make it a part of your routine. You’ll find it becomes easier to face your stress and fears.4

In my ReNew You Program, I help you practice courage through:

  • Taking the next step

  • Putting yourself first

  • Facing your fears

  • Owning where you are in life and where you want to go

You see, it’s the little steps you take each day that help you create the life you want.

Practice small steps to prepare yourself for BIG leaps in 2021.

Moving to Maryland over four years ago was a huge leap of faith for my family. We were in a new place far away from all our friends. It was hard to adjust, and I was lonely.

But I decided to take action. I started volunteering at a soup kitchen, and this decision benefited me in numerous ways. I’m stronger in my faith, I’ve been touched by the lives of strangers, and I’ve received an amazing community of friends.

The step I made to volunteer changed my perspective on the big move to Maryland.

Remember, every goal you want to achieve starts with a plan.

Here's another thought.....what is it you really want to accomplish? I wanted to crochet an afghan for a friend. I had done scarves and hats but hadn't attempted an afghan. The idea was a bit overwhelming. How could I make it less daunting? I decided I would crochet a minimum of ONE, yes one, row a day. Odds are if I picked it up, I would probably crochet more than one row, right? If I was going to have a busy week, I would crochet more rows in one evening to make up for the time I didn't have on another evening. I finished the afghan in about a month. I was so excited to complete it and it was far less daunting this way.

This new year, surround yourself with people who support your dreams!

Over three years ago, I signed up to run a half marathon. I made a plan, set a schedule, and prepared for Race Day. I wouldn’t have succeeded if I hadn’t first made my plan of action. My schedule got me to Race Day, and my support group pulled me through.

Every time I set a goal, I enlist people to keep me accountable. Share your ideas with your friends and family. Surround yourself with support to increase your sense of belonging and avoid unhealthy habits.5

My support group blew me away on Race Day. My friends and family cheered me on from the sidelines and afar. I accomplished the 13.1 miles, beat my goal, and felt so much love from the people around me.

This year, I’m offering support to YOU through my program.

In my three month ReNew You program, I guide you through a three-step process:

  • Step one: Evaluate your life, how you can brighten it up and what makes your heart sing.

  • Step two: Identify toxic relationships and what zaps your energy.

  • Step three: Create daily habits to help you stay focused and succeed.

This program is available for both one-on-one coaching or a group of three or more. My package includes:

  1. Weekly virtual coaching sessions.

  2. Downloadable coaching tools to guide you through the process.

  3. My favorite weekly inspirational quotes.

  4. A bonus coaching session to celebrate your progress.

I’ve seen people grow immensely in just three short weeks.

This program helps you make healthy life choices. You’ll work on reducing burnout and discovering joy. Take steps to improve your lifestyle, business, and relationships.

Here’s what one member of the program shared about her experience:

“I learned so much from the group. I entered it broken, fragile, bitter and feeling like a victim. I came out of it strong, in control, found acceptance with things I can’t control and realized I am enough.”

This new year, you can get the program HALF OFF (group or individual) through January 31st. This is a value of $1,195 for only $595.

The group program (minimum of 3) begins Tuesday, Feb 2nd at 7:00 pm. EST. Let’s get to the heart of what’s holding you back. I’m excited to work with you!


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