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Let me share....



My Story

Hi, I’m Kendell Daly, a Certified Life Coach.

My goal is to help you along your life journey.

If you’re dealing with a change — a major life transition or career decision — i’m here for you. Whether you’re a parent facing changes in your home or a college student seeking clarity, I’m here to help you set goals and reach them like a rockstar. 


















Do you need an accountability partner? You’ve got one. 


Are you feeling overwhelmed? I’m your girl.


Do you know what you want, but you feel stuck in life? I totally relate.


If you’re lost, trying to find a purpose, or simply burnt out: 

I’m here for you. 

I’ll help you become aware of your needs, grow confident, and take care of YOU

I discovered life coaching when I was going through changes in my own life.


Several years ago, my family and I moved to Maryland. We left behind friends, family,

and my job. It was a big change. 


At first, I focused my energy on helping my husband transition into his job and my kids

adjust to a new school. But I began to realize I was lonely. I needed to take time for ME. 


But I didn’t know what was next for me in life. I wanted to do something new —

I wanted a PURPOSE — but I was cautious about making big changes. I was

afraid of investing in endeavors that might fail. 


I decided to hire myself a personal life coach near me. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 


My coach and I talked about what I’m passionate about in my life and career. I wanted to be flexible. I wanted time to invest in the people and things that matter to me. I set goals that aligned with my beliefs and pursued them. 

INVESTING in yourself is a powerful thing. 


Working with my coach showed me the power of partnering with others to chase goals. I was inspired.


And I found so much VALUE in hiring a coach. The experience gave me the direction and confidence I needed to make decisions that were right for ME. 

I realized I wanted to become a certified life coach. 


Working on myself prepared me to turn around and help someone else. My coach taught me so much is possible, and I wanted others to know this for themselves.


I decided I wanted to start coaching too. 

And I love being a life coach!

It’s inspiring to partner with others and cheer them on. I’m a good listener, and I love building CONNECTIONS with my clients as they pursue joy-filled lives. Always a natural cheerleader, I want to empower others to grow into greater versions of themselves. 




You might say my journey to becoming a coach started in high school.

Freshman year, I met my field hockey coach. She taught me how to work hard and collaborate with a team toward a greater goal. She’s why I believe in others even when they don’t believe in themselves. 


My thirty-year career as a hair stylist taught me the art of listening — something every coach excels at. It showed me how to connect with others on a personal level.

I’m ICF Certified, ACC Credentialed, and a certified Purpose Clarity Coach. I’m also a Stephen’s Minister, and I’ve been trained in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). 


I like to help my clients focus on the little things that bring them joy. 


I love the element of surprise — any small, unexpected moment to brighten my day. I believe it’s important to show kindness and pay it forward. 


I like to start my days with yoga and meditation. This practice helps me live a balanced life — both literally and figuratively.


My family is my everything. 



I’m an Italian who loves food and cooking. My childhood wasn’t easy, but it taught me the importance of RESILIENCE. I’m learning to not be a people pleaser. 


Pink Sugar
Discover 10 Facts
about Me

1.  I’m a morning person: I begin my days with meditation, peace, and purpose. 


2. The thing I like most about someone is their smile. 


3.  I’m a hugger! I love to make others feel special.


4.  I love interior design — decorating, organizing furniture, and discovering inspiring designs. 


5.  My faith is important to me. On the hardest of days, I know I am never alone.


6.  I have a younger sister and eleven first cousins. They’re a part of my fondest childhood 



7.  My friends describe me as friendly. I want to make everyone in the room feel welcome.


8.  I love people and my favorite part of my job is building connections. 


9.  I enjoy volunteering to help others. Several ways I’ve volunteered were at soup kitchens, day       shelters, schools, and fundraisers.


10.  My guilty pleasure is chocolate. I love Cadbury Fruit and Nut, a good ol’ Hershey’s bar, and         chocolate-covered caramel. 



I’ve learned investing in yourself isn’t easy.


Believe me, I didn’t have the support I needed when I chose to take a new direction. That’s why I’m here to provide backup. 


Are you ready for change, trying to manage a life transition, or facing a challenge? I’d love to chat! 



I want you to feel unstuck and believe in something bigger than yourself. You can achieve great things. Break any challenge into measurable steps and move forward.


Ask yourself, “how can I take action to put myself first today?” 


Book your FREE consultation to start your journey.

Maybe you’re wondering: “What IS a life coach?”


A personal life coach is a mentor you can be honest with and feel no judgment. I’m here to listen to what you’re going through and help you get to the root of any challenge. 


A life coach supports YOU as you face your fears. 


As your mentor, I help you establish a plan of action and accomplish each step. I know you can overcome what’s overwhelming you right now. 

I asked my clients to describe me: 


“You are brutally honest in such a kind way.” 


“You take what’s like a cobweb in my mind and break it down to bite-size, manageable pieces. You’re kind but not afraid to give tough love.” 


“You made my crazy, unorganized mind become organized. I’ve learned that things don’t all have to get done at once — take your time. It’s not a race.” 


Are you still unsure? No worries! 

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